Monday, April 29, 2013

Blake's 24th Birthday

Blake had his 24th birthday! 

The morning started with Balloons galore hanging from the ceiling - with some fun birthday notes and new pictures for him to add to his wallet. Elli and Blake had fun running through all the balloons. We ate hootenanny's for breakfast - which i smoked up the house with and Blake had to help me. It was a sunday so we attended church and Blake was sang to in primary. At home we had lasanga for Dinner and Blake had a "ranger cookie cake" with lots of extra cookies to spare. It was a really fun day! We had lemonade time and just enjoyed the outdoors. Blake's brother Wade joined us for presents. Blake recieved a new homemade tie, 2 new button up shirts for student teaching, a slack line, and tools. Wade gave Blake some socks too! The rest of the night we had fun playing on the slackline and watching the sunset.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Elli's First Birthday!

Wow! I can't believe Elli is already one! Blake took some pictures of our beautiful One year old...

For Elli's birthday we sang  the birthday song over and over to her and she really liked it.

We started the morning out with a birthday dance party!

We had a birthday party for Elli. We ate tatertot casserole, had Blake's brother Wade and his friend over, Elli had banana bread -cupcakes. She did good on eating her own but the top was too hard so after that was removed she ate great.

For presents she recieved a new sunday dress from grandma/ grandpa Hoover, a walker that makes noise from grandma/grandpa Dickinson, and a Baby doll from us. She also recieved some handy down books to add to her collection.

 It was so fun to watch her open up her baby doll. We didn't know how she would react and as soon as she saw it she started kissing it (mmmwah) and holding it close.

She figured out the walker fast. She would also bounce up and down to dance to the music.