Friday, March 22, 2013

Elli is 11 months old!

She loves head butting people, espeacially her daddy. (I caught Elli head butting a stuff animal today). She also likes to stay forehead to forehead and to gaze longingly into your eyes.
She has learned to love peek-a-boo. She covers her eyes with her hands and does it all by her self.
Elli can scoot around. She does a sort of Army Crawl with one arm and one leg. She is also getting close to crawling as she keeps getting up on her hands and knees.
Elli can pull her self to standing.
Elli can walk with others holding on to her hands or holding on to objects. She will walk all along one couch and all down the next couch on her own. Just needs to master balance next.
Elli loves to clap. When she hears cheering or others clapping she joins in.
Elli is still sleeping 12 hrs a night and 2 naps. Her naps have been getting more unpredicable lately.
Elli loves books!
Elli can give hugs!
Elli is still a big eater. She is starting to get stronger opinions on different foods.
Elli still loves being apart of the party and being around others. She is very socialable. She loves to get others attention. When held by Blake or I Elli will interact and then shy away and then interact again.
Elli loves to grabs peoples mouths.
She really likes the vaccum.