Monday, September 9, 2013

Friday, September 6, 2013

Canyon's Baby Blessing

Canyon recieved his baby blessing on Sunday August 11 (exactly one month old).

Blake performed the blessing and it was very beautiful. It brings to perspective how important this little guy is and how he has alot in store for his life.

It was so fun to have so many people present for the blessing. It was also so neat to watch how big the circle was around him. He had his Father, both Grandpa's & 8 uncles.
Canyon was blessed in a outfit that was made by his late Great-Grandmother Doris Rock. He didn't keep it on the whole day because it was a very hot day.

Before the blessing we had a breakfast with the Dickinsons and after church we had lunch in the park with the Hoovers. Alot of my family was able to come because of a relay run they were in. Mom (Grandma Dickinson) and Lucy came early to spend a few extra days with us and Dad (Grandpa Dickinson) drove in the night before and had to leave immediately after the blessing. It so special to see the sacrafices made from family to being there for Canyon.

not pictured but was present: Grandpa & Grandma Hansen, Bryce & Stephanies family
Blake and Canyon
Our family of four!