First Trimester:
Going into this pregnancy the feelings of being prepared and educated from all the pregnancies I’ve been around growing up slowly dwindled. I didn’t know a lot about pregnancy. Blake and I decided to wait on telling others our news so it was time to find research other than family.
Symptoms came quick. The soonest ones were feeling tired, loss of appetite – every time I ate I felt like I had a fever. I had a pretty easy start in the pregnancy. I threw up maybe 1 or 2 times but that was it. Another new thing was that sweets made me feel sick too – my body knew I needed good nutrients and that’s all it wanted. Blake was so great during all this time as I learned I couldn’t turn to others about the pregnancy I completely relied on Blake to take care of me. He jumps right in and help out all he could. The whole pregnancy Blake was very involved and the one I found I could turn to.
I would see changes in my body over this semester. It was conference weekend that Blake turned to me and said that others could see that I was pregnant with the dress I was wearing. Although it took a lot longer for others to notice because either they weren’t looking closely enough or they didn’t know what I looked like to begin with. But Blake and I could see the change and we loved it! Overall in the first trimester I didn’t gain any weight, if not lost a pound or two but I did gain a few inches. The whole first semester I was able to fit in all my regular clothes the first semester but my pants were getting tight to button.
Blake and I couldn’t wait until we could have our first doctor’s appointment. It was set for week 10 and that was like waiting for Christmas for me. It was just so exciting to start the adventure and that was the next part. When we had our first appointment our doctor confirmed that we were in fact expecting and than we were able to hear the baby’s heartbeat. It was such a magical moment to hear the baby's heart. Blake never did miss a doctors appointment he attended them all the whole pregnancy.
Second trimester:
This semester the scale finally started going up and I was showing some. I felt very big but not many others felt I did. It was that stage where people taught I could be pregnant but they were not going to ask in case they were wrong. I think Blake thought it was funny that a compliment to me was your getting bigger.
During this time I started getting a lot of emotions. Including fear of giving birth and making the right choice when it came to natural or epidural. I began to survey many women who had done one or the other and started forming my own opinion. Blake and I also looked up a lot of the medical side on the computer. We than both felt it was right for us to try natural birth. We felt that this would be the best for our baby.
Other emotions came and these were just crazy emotions. I found that my mood swings would go crazy. I would cry over tv commercials, silly things, over nothing and probably most often I would cry because I was crying. It was so weird how strong and real these emotions came from my body changing. Poor Blake had to deal with my sudden change in moods but he always comforted me. The scariest part to me was that I was acting so different than I normally would and I couldn’t control it. Blake continually reassured me that he knows who I am and knows that this was my hormones going out of wack, this helped calm me down each time.
Probably the best part of being pregnant started about week 19 for me…feeling the baby kick! This baby is so fun to feel. It moves a lot. Blake was able to feel the baby about the same time I was able to start. Sometimes if I were close enough to Blake the baby would kick him through me. It was also fun to watch my belly move. I could see my belly pop as the baby kicked. It was so great to feel the baby move and know that there is a living being in there. I was taking a drumming class at BYU and it was really fun because when we didn’t drum the baby would not move but as soon as the drumming started the baby would go crazy and kick a lot! This class was fun for me.

Another fun symptom I got was Motherly Instincts - In the car that is. I suddenly became the biggest back seat driver. In the car I was very on edge as I became protective for this baby inside. I would constantly say slow down, cling on to a handle, scream of fear, etc. Good thing Blake is a good driver or I could of been a lot worst. Sometimes I was just being ridiculous but other times it was a good thing I was on watch.

Sitting in the same position for to long would not do, I constantly would have to change positions to get comfortable. I also would need Blake to help me get up sometimes. In bed I would have to roll over to get up, or just roll off the bed haha.

The week before the baby was born I was attending class, working, and taking finals. one new thing i had the last month was that I would have Braxton Hicks. My tummy tightening really got me curious of what a contraction felt like because my tummy was contracting but it didn't hurt. I was only pregnant until 38.5 weeks along -these last few photos were taken roughly 35 hours before Elli was born!
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