Sunday, November 27, 2011

Baby Ultrasound

Here are the pictures from the ultrasound. The baby has long legs and is very healthy. We definitely have a mover!


Saturday, November 12, 2011

The marathon

no not a running marathon.....

A Lord of the Rings marathon!

We just started it last night and are continuing it today!

and its not just all three movies but the extended versions!!!!!!


For Halloween this year we carved pumkins at the Hoovers. We got there late and everyone was already eating so we did our in about 5 mins....speed carving. turned out good! We also drank 'vampire blood' and 'zombie guts'. We also celebrated Blake's sister Nicki's birthday and for her birthday present we made our announcement about having a baby!
The day of halloween we both had tests and after that we made ghost cupcakes adn went to our friends colbys and christine haines. They had a  halloween party where we ate donuts from strings, played bonko, etc. Lots of fun.

Blake and I dressed up as 50's people. Blake a greaser and me with a poodle skirt ( I made it!)

Friday, November 11, 2011


We went to corn bellys this year and we had lots of fun. We went with christine adn colby haines and cathleen sickles. and met up with our friend landon and his date. We went through a lot of scary haunted mazes. I got chased by a chainsaw for a while. We shoot pumpkins, rode race cars, went in the BIG corn maze, jumped on the jumper, rode the bull, and everyones favorite........went spelunking. Thats where we crawled around in a small box maze. with tight corners. it was surprisingly really fun!!! so we did it a gain!

The big rocking chair....

after finishing the big corn maze ( we lost colby in it)

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Lake Powell

The Hoovers had there annuel Lake Powell Trip!! After days of working on the Boat, Blakes dad announced they were going to Lake Powell!
We were able to go to 3 days of it! what fun! we drove down with bryant and the three girls: Gween, Adel and Sienna! on the ride down....i pretty much slept through the whole long trip and Blake and Bryant both drove.

We pitched our tents on the sand stone. well everyone else did we didnt have a tent we slept outside :) It was extremely sunny the whole time! so whenever we were hot we just jumped into the Lake and went swimming. and then lounge again until we were too hot again. we had lots of great food!
we were able to
-go boating where we skiied, surfed, rode the water wienny, and drove off to annies bay where we hiked to some indian ruins and went swimming. we found a huge tree in the water that we would balance and play on.
- Rode the Wave runner where we  rode the waves, went tubing, morning skiing, and surfing behind. Blake and I rode over to a place where his family used to camp at when he was growing up.
- we played the guitar at night
-celebrated siennas 2nd birthday with cupcakes
- there were scorpieons found under some of the tents... scary
- built sandcastles
-washed our hair...mermaid style
- sat and talked
- ate jammies! ... our new favorite treat (thanks to the lungstogs/ blakes boss)
-got lots of the sunburns to prove it.
-the boat would give us some troubles but alway seem to start up again.
-some of the kids including britten seem to take a liken to me and that was fun to play with them.
-we had some huge wind storms... someone would say "dinner" and here comes the wind! i mean very windy. we would hold on the times, the sand could hurt hitting you. the wind storm started while we were on the water wienny and the waves were huge! we sure flew! lots of fun!
- the ride back was with the robertsons again. it was alot of fun as we sang songs with the girls!

over all this trip was really fun to spend with famly. we had alot of excitement, relaxing time, and just fun! Awesome first trip to lake powell for me! I love to see how much the Hoovers love lake powell too! its definitly a family tradition/ ritual! I loved playing in the water all about the perfect ideal!

The fair, the Hoover burger, the rodeo!

Its fair time for the heber valley! mom and dad hoover, nikki and kids, heather and russ and kids, heidi and kids, bryce and stephanie and kids, scott and jennifer, kayla, jodie and me and blake all went to the parade! there was alot of candy everywhere! popsicles, and water passed out too! they would always bring the flyers to me and i would get suckered into taking them! ..."not again!" The parade was fun! but very hot!

then some of us went to the local fast food : Dairy Keen. and there are two noteworthy things to mention!....

one - the fountain drink dispenser!... it was electronic, touch screen, it was crazy! it had every pop imaginal on there! i thought hmm i want a lemonade... so i see the chooses of diet or not. well after that decision it brings me to a new screen of tons of lemonade choices.....rasberry lemonade, strawberry lemonade, cherry lemonade, pink lemonade, regular lemonade, pomegranite lemonade! whooooo! i had to try these. i had both rasberry and strawberry... yum!

two - have you heard of the Hoover burger?! yes, the Hoover Burger... as in Hoover my last name. this is a hamburger that was created by Blake and his brother when they worked there and now is on the menu! well Blake ordered one...... now just imagine this.......  bun, lettuce, pickles, tomatoes, hamburger, chicken, bacon, ham and onion rings with some sauce...... this is a HUGE MEAT burger! ..... i can say i have eaten half of one before.

Yee Haa its rodeo time!!! I went to my very FIRST rodeo! as least one i remember! what fun! big crowd, lots of horses and cowboys/ cow girls! we watched bareback riding, saddle riding, barrow racing , people being pulled behind the horses on leather, roping the cows, the little kids rode around on toy horses on a stick, and bull riding of course! wow theres alot that goes into these, luck on which horse or cow you get, your skill, partners skill! this was very fun! we all dressed up for the occasion too! cowboys hats, dresses, plaid shirts,  and boots! the clowns were there to keep the cowboys safe from the bulls. they were funny. they did an act where he drove out a old plane and straped to the back a saddle for a cowboy to ride. once in the sattle the clown took off, wings blew off and he spun in circles...that cowboy did not last long at all. they did the kiss cam and guess who was the very first to be on it?!...Blake and I! yeeeee haaw!!! after the rodeo they did a huge firework show....very impressive! i can now say..... i love the rodeo!! cant wait for next year!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Fourth of July

This year for fourth of july we spent it over at the Hoovers. We had a big BBQ and made homemade icecream!! Yum! The grandkids also did a slip n' slide in the yard. We then went in their front yard and watched the fireworks from memorial hill. There were a couple that were HUGE! It was the first year it ever rained on the fourth in Midway... I (Heidi) must of brought some Oregon with me. whoops.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Before wedding festies

WED June 15th:

Blake and I were apart for 50 days exactly until he drove in to Oregon on Wednesday the 15th! I was so excited to see my fiance!

That same day was the funeral of my Cousin Brittany Wilson. I will miss her so much. she was always so nice to me. we have had a lot of fun times together with sleepovers, at family get togethers etc. she would sing/ talk along with the movies we watched. she was always so happy. I know that she is happier now. she can enjoy a body in full. she can be with grandma Hedman too!

Blake and I reunited and then went to the temple to recieve my endowments. The temple was a beautiful place! i had a trouble at the recommend desk but they finally let me through :) Everyone was very welcome at the temple :) I even got a name tag! and my own locker. Mom showed me the bridal room. it was beautiful. I then did initories. afterwards a temple worker talked to us about next week. we then went to do the endowment. on the way I ran into Grandpa Hedman!! how special! I just love my Grandpa. Being in the temple I dont know if I understood it all this time around but i did know without a doubt that this was the house of God. This is where my heavenly father wanted me to be. Our heavenly father loves us so much. I had alot of family support me including mom, dad, blake, jean, kim, larry, peter, cilla, breanne, gaylene and sherry.
After the temple we went to sweet tomatos...we are with the hoovers and dickinsons. Our families were able to meet and get to know one another a little.

Thursday june 16 -

Its Rafting day! everyone this rafting day was pretty crazy. we had lots of fun. all the rapids were very different this year. devils hole was non existant, elevator was little too. but the one we were not prepared for is because the water was sooo high oaks springs was huge! every boat flipped except one! it was so weird to see everyone floating along. my soon to be mother in law -jean broke her leg. yikes! we did the water slides and those were fun this year nice and high. over all ...very fun trip...wish no one got hurt tho.
the video is on youtube.

Friday and saturday  june 17-18:
Its running time!!! we had the epic relay with blake, dad, larry, david, paul, peter, jimmy, john, sherry, michael, andy, cory, and aaron.

Alot of people were booking it! when I ran the first run was in the middle of the day... in the dead of the sun. oh boy did not training and the sun get to me. I am so glad I had blake run with me! he kept me going!!  Then we went to silvercreek falls. that was fun! we walked under a fall and hiked around. we also played some frisbee. then it was time to get on the road again. we realized we were going to be back in time for mine and blakes run! oh no! we hurried and hurried and found shortcuts and made it just in time! this was our night run! we bascially got out of the car and then were running. we had some hills in this one especially one big one. while running we go up a big one and blakes says ' we finished the big one'... i am so excited and feel like we half way. later to find out that was NOT the big one. haha here it came. the car drove by  to honk and see how we were doing. i got excited and started dancing.. well i was a little to close to the side of the road that i fell off it and scaped my knee and hand. we kept running and thats when i started feeling light headed and tired. i wanted to sleep. poor blake had to keep me going once again. at the very end the car picked me up thinking i just couldnt finish it when i got in the car the end was just around the corner...doh. I found out afterwards i was bleeding alot from the fall. through out the whole trip blake did not only help me but he would push others to run too. he ran with peter and john to keep them going or to make them faster. way to go blake! probably should of had him train more. the last run was a shorter one. we ran the whole thing with some sprinting at the end. we held toliet paper for people to end there races with - to run through. we would give water and meet up with the other van a little to. we also stopped at subway to eat. at night we slept on grass of a school ground. we also had mcdonalds in the mornign. dad was the last runner so half way through his run the whole team joined him and we ran to the finish line together! arrrrrrrr! the byu pirates finished! what alot of fun. afterwards we ate some BBQ pork sandwhiches, listened to a band and danced.

blake met will for the first time at home

That night my friend anna came in town and Blake and I joined cathleen to practise riding her horse. the horse was alittle scared but eventually made it work.

after dropping off blake i came home and... found out lucy threw me a surprise party!!! Katelin minetto, christine sickles, cathleen sickles, lucy and anna were there! we played games  - pretty kitty, and copy me game. we play kiss the kiss on the blake. we had food and snacks. they dressed me up in a wedding dress aka toliet paper. there even made me a toliet paper bouquet. I threw the bouquet to them! I then showed off my real wedding dress! we then had beauty time and did a face mask as well as nails! what fun!!! Thank you lucy! I love being with my girls!

sun june 19-

We had church and filled up the whole row again. its so nice to have family back. I didnt go the r.s. but instead went to young womens with sherry, christine, tammy and anna. mom had us do a panel and the girls asked us questions about dating , beign engaged, being married, going to school, having a child, etc. it was really fun. especially to hear from others and to be with my sisters and best friends and mom. lucy was one of the class :)

after church we had our big rice and meatball dinner! wow what a big group! Alot more of the hoovers came and we had the dickinsons. grandpa hedman and dickinson and anna empey was there. at dinner anna donated some of her cider to us.
we had a big talent show that tammy hosted. there were so many fun talents..jokes, dances, songs, guitar, magic tricks, spider man, bottle blowing songs, violins/ piano, harmonica, piano, mom and dad sang sunrise, sunset - thats there song, cow boy poem, etc.
we had lots of fun. later we had ice cram and visited.
mon june 20:
tomorrows the big day!!! ahh! we were off to the skating rink! i love roller skating!!! we had the kid cars, shoot the duck, ate pizza, did karaoke, hokey pokey/ chicken dance, couple skating, etc. we filled up the place with the hoovers and dickinsons. we even did hockey dickinsons vs hoovers! it was alot of fun!

then we headed off to magness tree farm! it was time to decorate! everyone was a big help. we did alot of loading, bow tieing, lantern making, toll streaming, pole inserting, table moving, sign hanging, cart decorating, lights hanging, fabric draping, arch setting up, wiring wired, etc. it was nice to have the golf cart to do moving. we got it done in a good amount of time. and it looked just as i pictured, if not better! everything is unfolding. I loved that Blake liked it too!

 afterwards blake and I said good bye not to see eachother until the temple tomorrow! his family went out to eat and so did mine. mine went to davidsons. it was nice to just enjoy this meal with the family.  
at home i need to finish packing for the honeymoon and do my fasfa (due during the honey moon). it was time to sleep. i read my scriptures. in wonder of tomorrow. my head filled with excitement i fell asleep.