Sunday, August 7, 2011

Lake Powell

The Hoovers had there annuel Lake Powell Trip!! After days of working on the Boat, Blakes dad announced they were going to Lake Powell!
We were able to go to 3 days of it! what fun! we drove down with bryant and the three girls: Gween, Adel and Sienna! on the ride down....i pretty much slept through the whole long trip and Blake and Bryant both drove.

We pitched our tents on the sand stone. well everyone else did we didnt have a tent we slept outside :) It was extremely sunny the whole time! so whenever we were hot we just jumped into the Lake and went swimming. and then lounge again until we were too hot again. we had lots of great food!
we were able to
-go boating where we skiied, surfed, rode the water wienny, and drove off to annies bay where we hiked to some indian ruins and went swimming. we found a huge tree in the water that we would balance and play on.
- Rode the Wave runner where we  rode the waves, went tubing, morning skiing, and surfing behind. Blake and I rode over to a place where his family used to camp at when he was growing up.
- we played the guitar at night
-celebrated siennas 2nd birthday with cupcakes
- there were scorpieons found under some of the tents... scary
- built sandcastles
-washed our hair...mermaid style
- sat and talked
- ate jammies! ... our new favorite treat (thanks to the lungstogs/ blakes boss)
-got lots of the sunburns to prove it.
-the boat would give us some troubles but alway seem to start up again.
-some of the kids including britten seem to take a liken to me and that was fun to play with them.
-we had some huge wind storms... someone would say "dinner" and here comes the wind! i mean very windy. we would hold on the times, the sand could hurt hitting you. the wind storm started while we were on the water wienny and the waves were huge! we sure flew! lots of fun!
- the ride back was with the robertsons again. it was alot of fun as we sang songs with the girls!

over all this trip was really fun to spend with famly. we had alot of excitement, relaxing time, and just fun! Awesome first trip to lake powell for me! I love to see how much the Hoovers love lake powell too! its definitly a family tradition/ ritual! I loved playing in the water all about the perfect ideal!

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