Friday, August 31, 2012

Starting New

Alot has been happening here with the Hoovers...

First of all last Friday we moved into our new home! (Our previous home turned into a all single girl home so it was time for us to move.) We know live north of campus near the temple on Timp view drive. We live in the basement of a house that is on a full acre of land (which includes apple orchard, peach trees, plum trees, hens, and occasionally horses. We got a good deal on the price and are able to work for money by mowing the lawns. Our basement is bigger than we've ever lived as it is more spacious and open.We have been unpacking all week and are almost done getting settled in - pictures to come!

This last Saturday Lisa came in town. Lisa/Abby, Paul/Kari/Austin, and Blake/Elli/ and I all got together for a visit and dinner. It was so fun because the cousins are so close in age and we are all in the same spot...first time parents!
Elli, Austin, Abby

We attended our new ward on Sunday and I really feel good about it. It was neat because in sacrament they are concentrating on teaching the scriptures and i have really been trying to master my scriptures more. This ward is very much a family ward, not as many young couples in it. We have a lot of BYU professors in the ward tho, so our teachers are top notch. I even saw that one of my students from when I taught sewing is in the ward - yay i know someone.

Sunday night My mom (Grandma Dickinson) and Luke drove into provo and spent the night at my house. It was awesome because I got to see Luke for the first time since he returned from his mission serving in the Philippians. Since they arrived I was able to Visit with mom, help Luke move in, and eat lunch with Luke.

Blake and Elli at a Hoover Party
Monday was Blakes first day of School at BYU and first day at his 2 new jobs as a Teacher assistant for two professors! Way to go Blake. Its nice that his work is at school because he can do it all as one time - it just feels like a very full schedule. This week one of the professors he is a TA for is out of town so Blake has taken over the class and is teaching. He has taught the class to take apart and put a computer back together.
Blake's schedule is a balance of hard and fun. He is taking: Gymnastics, Electronics, Book of Mormon, World Dance, Computer Aid Drafting, Multicultural Education, Food preparation, and flexibility. In his flexibility class he gets to take a nap in half of it - pretty sweet.

Heidi and Elli in Sun Hats as Hoover party
It is crazy to me that I am staying home and not going to school...I am officially a Stay-at-home Mom! Whoo hoo dream accomplished!...well working on it :) This week has been unpacking, playing with Elli and planning for me. I really want to take this opportunity while I have more time to make things right for our home. I have been brainstorming on the things that are most important that I should be doing to set the right habits and environment of our home, a few of the things I have been scheduling and planning are: the basics: personal scripture study, family scripture study, personal and family prayer, and Family Home Evening - and making sure we don't miss or slack on them. Also planning fun things, dates, reading to Elli, Adding music to the home (guitar time, learn the piano, singing.), Education: learning new skills, I plan to still keep learning as I research subjects I want to learn, including: photography, parenting/ child development, budgeting, and pattern making for sewing.  I am setting up daily and weekly chores for myself to keep our home clean: such as make the bed, dishes, etc. I want to make sure I am studying for church too - for sunday school and R.S. I want to get an hour of genealogy in, work out, getting out of the house time, help and play with Elli, write in my journal/ blog etc. The lists goes on and I am still trying to figure out how to do everything as I am slowing adding in new things each day to my routine. I am really excited for this year and to tackle my goals.

Elli 4.5 Months - Tummy Time
Elli is growing like crazy! I can't believe she is 4.5 months. She is such a great baby. I can really see her personality shine through. She is very smiley and people friendly. She definitely knows who mom and dad is though. This morning Elli got her 4 month shots and when she got the double shots in her legs she barely made a sound - the nurses were really impressed with her. It takes a while before Elli cries she usually tries to communicate to us through taking or face expression before she cries. I think she has a lot of trust in us and I am glad. She has been working on her tummy time - she has never really liked it but it getting better at it. As for rolling she has no interest in it - its a work in process. She does however LOVE to stand! She is always trying to sit up or stand up. She definitely has water skiing legs! She has also been starting to enjoy toys more as she is using her hands a lot more. She also likes to put things in her mouth - especially her hand - which were trying to teach her not to do. She is so patient and happy - That just defines Elli. She is going to be a great example to others. She has also really started to "talk" so will just gab and gab all day. it is so fun to watch her face expressions. She has been letting me cuddle with her and I just love that too - its so special that she loves being held by me and Blake. Everyone is constantly telling us that we don't know how good we have got it. Elli is such a cutie and we are so blessed to have her in our family.

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