Friday, May 10, 2013

Can't Wait to Meet our New Little One....

Baby # 2 is on its way! We are 30 weeks along!

We are so excited to have another baby in our family! and are excited that Elli will have a sibling so close in age.

We have decided to wait again until the birth to find out the baby gender. (I am so excited to find out!)

This pregnancy has been going even better than my pregnancy with Elli (and Elli's went good).

I have had basically no morning sickness, in otherwards I have thrown up once, I have had a few times when I feel like I am going to. Those times are almost always when I stay up too late into the night.

At night time my body shuts down at 9 or the lastest 10pm....I just can't stay awake after that without feeling sick. (this is going away tho)

I can't eat alot of sweets without feeling sick. This happened with Elli too. (although I crave them lately)

I have also been more tired and worn out this pregnancy but I think alot of that attributes to the fact that I was nursing Elli the first 20 weeks of the pregnancy. I have stopped since and my energy has returned!

My belly continues to grow. This was probably the first sign to me that I was pregnant. I would see my stomach getting bigger and yet on the scale I was the same or losing weight. I am at the point where it is obvious I am pregnant...People are not nervious to ask if I am pregnant anymore! whoo hoo!

I can feel the baby move! I love this part of pregnancy! and this baby is definitely a mover. It has had the hiccups lately.

I have been more sore this pregnancy and I assume this it is because I am up on my feet alot more, I hardly ever sit down. Sleeping is getting harder (mmm... pillows) and my back hurts more from carrying Elli.

Overall some days I have these symptoms and other days I just feel so normal, I almost forget I am pregnant. I feel very blessed for how my pregnancys go. I thank my mom for that!

Another fun thing this time around is that because its my second pregnancy I can just relax and enjoy the ride a little more because I know more of what to expect.

These pictures are a little old (24 weeks) ... so I am 6 weeks farther now

 And heres me goofing off...

1 comment:

  1. There is just nothing cuter than a cute pregnant girl!!! We are so excited for you guys!!
