Thursday, August 14, 2014

More then a week of family fun!

(7/31-8/2) It all started with the 2 overnight Grandpa Hoover Camping trip! We camped in a beautiful spot next to a small lake. On the trip we road the 4-wheeler, did smores, fishing, set up our new tent, and hit sticks. Then in the middle of it Lucy and Amy Lictenstien joined us!! The fun continued with campfire stories and jokes, making flower crowns, and paddle boarding on the lake!

(8/2) The fun continued as we drove our 2 hr drive, took 2 min showers and then were off to kari's parents house for Austins 2nd Birthday Party! There they had a Adult size bounce house with a waterslide! It was so much fun! Elli didnt want to come out and Canyon was skeptical of it. We had fun catching up and eating cake. Elli gave Austin a pudding.

Straight from the Party we went to the outlet mall to do some modest shopping Lucy and Amy were anxious to do because they were in Utah and they were prepping for EFY. We had little success there but then we went to the Provo mall for more shopping and had alot of success! We finished the night with a in-n-out dinner picnic and reading Grandma Hedmans life histor Journal- which was awesome!

(8/3)Sunday came and we all went to church. I got sustained in my new calling as the Music Chair (aka I am incharge of all the music in sacrment meeting). During testimony meeting... Amy bore her testimony....Blake bore his testimony...Elli says "its your turn mom" "Mom Go! MOM GO! Lucys turn too!" -So I (Heidi) bear my testimony....then I come back and Elli says "Elli's turn!" and starts taking off Blake stops her just as she hits the ailse and asks what are you going to say? elli responds "Jesus" could we stop her? off she goes by herself to the stage........then Lucy goes and holds Elli up.....Elli bears her testimony ..."Jesus".........Lucy bears her testimony.        All of us bear our testimony - pretty neat!

After Church we learn that David and Melissa our in town! We go to a ward break the fast and then David and Melissa came to our place and we played fisbee outside, eat cookies and catch up! Blake had to climb the tree multiple times because the frisbee kept getting stuck. 

(8/4) Monday we drop off Lucy and Amy to EFY! That night we head over to Paul and Karis for Dinner with them and Davids family! We played Pirates Dice and ate cupcakes too! (these pictures are the result of sisters stealing our phone...)

(8/5) Laurins Bacherleretee party! I got to see the wilson girls & breanne! We went out to eat at the cheesecake factory! Afterwards went to house with games and presents- here Katelin and I did the worm for fun :)

(8/7) We made it up to the Hoover house where we picked up our new stroller (our old one broke from the airlines) and visited with Grandma & Grandpa Hoover! Kody's family was also there! The kids enjoed jumping on the tramp and eating peas from Grandpas garden!

(8/8) We attend the ogden temple open house with the Wilsons and Mom!! While we are there we run into Kody and Jenni and family! Then We went out for Ice cream and panda express. Next we went to Uncle Johns house to help set up the wedding with john & julie, dorothy, the wilsons, the sanderguards and mom! During the practice of the singers Elli was either dancing or trying to take her turn in singing in the microphone. Dorothy and Elli also took a liking to eachother all night! We then slept over at Breannes house! There Canyon was wired and having so much fun exploring the new home he was at! Throughout the night Canyon kept managing to slither underneath the bed (which wasnt that high off the ground lol).

(8/9) Wedding day! We head over to melissas house and visit with her and the kids. Mom and Lucy and amy also joined! We played pirates dice and telestrations. Then we ate out at Sweet Tomato for Lunch. Then it was time to go to the temple and Blake and I realized we forgot our recommends with our temple bags at home! We were so bummed to miss the wedding. We waiting on the temple grounds with Lucy and the Wilson girls. Lauren and Dillon got married!! Pictures! Then we went out to 5 guys for Dinner and straight to the recepetion which was beautiful! It was so fun to be with so much family! During the Dance Elli just danced her heart away she loved it!! We are so happy for Lauren she seemed so happy! afterwards we helped clean up and then it was off to breannes house for a Cousin sleepover!! There we had popcorn amd milk shakes! We watch freaky friday and part of penelope. It was quite a funny sleepover because everyone was so tired. Some girls at arrival walked in and laid down and were a sleep. others lasted a little longer. Those awake in the end were Allison, Amy, and me. This was a sleep over with the wilsons, breanne & gaylene, and lucy, heidi, amy, and mom. 

(8/10) Sunday again! Church-Blake is sustained in his new calling as the elders quorum secratary! Then an outside dinner of Lasana with Lucy, Amy, Mom, Terri and my family! followed by a game of wits and wagers. Next we left to Paul & Kari's house where we played at there park! and looked up who we are related too! I found out that Blake is my 9th cousin and kari is my 10th cousin 2 removed! Then I had to say goodbye to Mom and Lucy! Noooo its been to much fun!

(8/11) Monday Blake has a interview and gets a NEW JOB for Fall! Blake is going to work for BYU filming all events that happen there! This includes sports -including the live feed on the board, speeches, performances, graduation, etc. I think it will be a fun job as Blake will get free admission to alot of cool events. (Now hopefully I can come too. ) Also Blake is really interested in teaching Videoing and this will give him more experience and make him more qualified as he earns his endorsement in videoing. YAY Blake!


  1. I like Lucy and Eli's silly face pictures. And Love the story about Eli bearing her testimony! So cute! Also jealous that you got to spend so much time with family! Looks like you had a blast!

  2. SOOOO Excited to hear about the new job! YEA BLAKE!!
