Sunday, April 19, 2015

60 Day Scripture Study Challenge

60 Day Scripture Study Challenge

April 20th - June 18th 

The Goal:
- Daily 30 min Personal Scripture Study
- Daily Companionship Scripture Learning Discussion
- Daily Family Study/Discussion

- Go to bed by 10 pm to arise by 7 am


  1. i love it. I may adopt this. Something that i try with the boys is a quick story from the friend at breakfast, listen to a 'scripture stories' lesson at lunch ( the get a treat after if they tell me 3-4 depending on age) things from the story, and we tell the kids, or let the tell us a quick scripture story at family prayers before bed. I like to listen to conference while i do house work, but i need to improve on having a more meaningful personal and couple study. Nice work Heidi.

    the scripture stories i like are not the video ones, but the mormon channel just audio ones. we often just listen to the review of yesterday's story and todays story. All of the discussion is usually too long for their attention spans.

  2. Great idea Heidi! It's always good to evaluate and try to incorporate scripture time differently. As life changes HOW you do scripture study has to change as well. Good Luck!
