Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Lucy’s mission farewell

This last weekend I made a trip up to Oregon with my brother Luke and wife Cassie.  We arrived in oregon friday at about 4am. When we got there- sure enough- mom was still awake. after getting a few good hours of sleep. I finally got to tour my own house. I haven't been in it since before they moved in. It looks great! what a transformation - it looks like  our house but inside of grandpas house.  After touring Luke, Cassie, Lucy and I went boating. It was perfect weather and so nice to ski. i got to ski twice. The second time trying Lukes new trick of wearing the batman cape. It truly felt empowering to wear while skiing. after some skiing and lunch Lucy and I went on a run around lake oswego afterwards were so hot we ran straight into the lake... I could get used to this. Then we just enjoyed hanging out until it was time to go to the airport. Davids family is so big we had to take two vehicles. we drove straight to davidsons for dinner where Jimmy and kids, davids family, luke and cassie, lucy, mom and dad and I all ate. Yum! I got some good Abby jokes there.
Saturday- I went on two boat rides both in the pouring rain. One to the gas station and the other with david, peter, luke and I for some skiing. We got to watch peter and David ski and then ran out of time. WE then went to the church for a cousin song practice for sunday.  afterwards we all were together as a family where we had dinner, played pool, visited, swam , etc. It was very weird to be without Blake and the kids and I don't prefer it. but there was a benefit of getting more quality time with the nieces and nephews - I really feel like i was able to reconnect with a lot of them.  we ended the night with guitar songs, family circle, learning of all the future missionaries in our family to follow Lucy. Learning all the fun quirks that we have in common etc.
sunday came and Lucy did awesome on her talk. I love how she related the song grandpa hetman sings "You'll never know" as also words that could be coming from our heavenly father. Lucy is going to be an awesome missionary and I am going to miss her! We heard two versions of the talk at the different wards. and heard caleb play his composed piano piece and the cousins sing their song - both were really powerful and awesome. After church we had a family lunch, watch jimmy family video, visited some more and then it was time to go home. We were cutting close on the drive home to being back in time but made it just in time and very tired.

 While I was gone the 3 kids joined Blake during parent-teacher conference, spent time at their cousin's the Ellis's (Blakes oldest sister Nicki's family) and blake spent his time either with the kids or working. When it was time to go home fro the big weekend the kids didn't want to leave. It sounds like they had a really good time with picking berries, lemonade stands, movie night, church, and more. Blake worked filming the buy football game and at his school during school time.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Ava's 8.5 months! and its the best!

Ava has been so fun! She has always been a good baby and she just keeps getting better! She is 8.5 months and here are some fun things about her:

-She sings when she wakes up
-She dances with her head rocking side to side.
-She said her first word Mama! She says it often and acts like she knows what it means
-She is a huge Daddy's girl, when ever Blake is around see is wide smiles, and coos, big eyes. She has a hard time taking her eyes off of him. I think she wakes up in the evening  pretending to be hungry bur really just wants to see dad
-Ava does really well with solid foods - she likes most baby food except green ones (especially peas) but she is such a good girl she willl gut it down if I keep offering. She also does really well with those dissolvable baby finger cereal. I think her favorite are baby rice or oatmeal cereal and the finger food.
-She started to clap on her own! and holds her hands up for patty cake.
-Ava is playful with Elli and Canyon and laughs out really loud!
-She does really well standing and holding on to things, we are working on landing good. but she laughs as standing because she is so proud of herself.
-She can scoot backwards (but I don't think she knows the full potential of her traveling yet)
-She can also spin in a circle on her tummy
-Ava can scoot backwards in her walker too
-She is super good in the bouncer - She loves it! but we can only use it at grandmas house because our door frames are not compatible.
-Ava gives the best facial expressions and uses her eyebrows alot!  People are always commenting on them.
-She gives strangers a - "who are you ?" look. studying them out with a confused look
-Ava has always been awesome about going down for her naps and bedtime. we do our little routine or being swaddled/ binkie/ song and she always goes down easy. Its so awesome!
-Ava is always Happy, and hardly cries - she usually tries a different tactic before resorting to crying. She even tries to act happy when she obviously is not. its really sweet.
-The only thing she is not doing awesome on is sleeping at night...which makes mom really tired and excited for the day she is. 

We love our Ava!