Thursday, January 21, 2016

Ava's 8.5 months! and its the best!

Ava has been so fun! She has always been a good baby and she just keeps getting better! She is 8.5 months and here are some fun things about her:

-She sings when she wakes up
-She dances with her head rocking side to side.
-She said her first word Mama! She says it often and acts like she knows what it means
-She is a huge Daddy's girl, when ever Blake is around see is wide smiles, and coos, big eyes. She has a hard time taking her eyes off of him. I think she wakes up in the evening  pretending to be hungry bur really just wants to see dad
-Ava does really well with solid foods - she likes most baby food except green ones (especially peas) but she is such a good girl she willl gut it down if I keep offering. She also does really well with those dissolvable baby finger cereal. I think her favorite are baby rice or oatmeal cereal and the finger food.
-She started to clap on her own! and holds her hands up for patty cake.
-Ava is playful with Elli and Canyon and laughs out really loud!
-She does really well standing and holding on to things, we are working on landing good. but she laughs as standing because she is so proud of herself.
-She can scoot backwards (but I don't think she knows the full potential of her traveling yet)
-She can also spin in a circle on her tummy
-Ava can scoot backwards in her walker too
-She is super good in the bouncer - She loves it! but we can only use it at grandmas house because our door frames are not compatible.
-Ava gives the best facial expressions and uses her eyebrows alot!  People are always commenting on them.
-She gives strangers a - "who are you ?" look. studying them out with a confused look
-Ava has always been awesome about going down for her naps and bedtime. we do our little routine or being swaddled/ binkie/ song and she always goes down easy. Its so awesome!
-Ava is always Happy, and hardly cries - she usually tries a different tactic before resorting to crying. She even tries to act happy when she obviously is not. its really sweet.
-The only thing she is not doing awesome on is sleeping at night...which makes mom really tired and excited for the day she is. 

We love our Ava!

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