Tuesday, February 5, 2013

A Day in Elli's Life...

Elli's schedule at 9 months! (this is mostly for my own record but you can enjoy too)
Elli does awesome with this schedule- it came from me watching what she naturallyd did and noticing it was around the same time. I think its great for her to have a schedule because it allows predictability and control in her life.

7 am -     wake up!
7- 8:30 am -
               nursed by mom
               diaper change
               Eat breakfast (real food)
8:30 am - swaddled/ binky
                read child's book
                read ch. from Book of Mormon
9 am -      Nap  #1
10ish am - Wake up
                 nursed by mom
                 eat brunch (real food)
12:30 pm - swaddled/ binky
                read child's book
                read ch. from Book of Mormon
1 pm -        Nap #2
2ish pm -  Wake up
                 nursed by mom
                 eat lunch (real food)
5 pm -      Dinner time (real food)
6/ 6:30 pm - start getting ready for bed:
                  bath (if needed)
                  diaper change
                  clean pajamas
                  read child's book
                  family scripture study (currently new testament) / nursed
6:30/ 7 pm - Bed time

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