Tuesday, February 5, 2013

New Calling

We received a new calling in the ward: We are now primary teachers and teach the valiant 10 class. Its sure fun to have a calling to share with Blake. In our last ward we were primary teachers together as well but we have now moved up from junior primary to senior primary. We have about 8 students in the class. The girls are the loud ones and the boys are more reserved. Our sharing/singing time is awesome and crazy our leaders are very animated and just as crazy as the kids but its fun. Elli gets to join us and the students love having her in our class!

1 comment:

  1. That's awesome! You will be teaching the class age that Ammon is right now- a super-crazy age!! Glad you get to do it together.
    The only primary calling I've had was doing nursery with David long, long ago.
    Also, bravo with the schedule, that is so great you do that. Good for baby and for mom.
