Wednesday, March 7, 2012


This semester has been an eventful one for Blake!

For a while he felt very back and forth on what career was right for him. But he now feels very very good in become a technology/engineering high school teacher! with that he has jumped into his field strongly and is loving it.
-His major is Technology and Engineering Education
-He attends all of his majors parties
-He has ran, been elected and now is the "Technology and Engineering education major club President!" one of his many duties include him leading the monthly seminars they have each month. He will also get a permit to drive around on campus
-He has ran, been elected, tied, and then won being the "National ITEEA President!" (International Technology and Engineering Educators Association). Along with being president he gets to go to different teacher conferences for free - one in California and the other TBA (usually in Washington DC).
-The California teachers conference is this month - March, where he will be gone for 4 days. They will even spend a day as an amusement park.
-Come End of June Blake plans to spend 6 weeks in the Dominican Republic doing a study abroad. There he will get a lot of experience in teaching the students. He will also help teach the instructors there on how to teach technology/ engineering education in there schools. It is a small group going and Blake will have a lot of one on one time with his BYU professors learning more from them. Another plus is he gets to use his Spanish again!
-Blakes major covers a wide spectrum of topics including videoing, editing, Photoshop, software programs, graphic design, applied physics, woods, metals, plastics, etc. What Blake seems to like the most and wants to end up teaching as of now is: Applied physics and videoing. (we are hoping next year a opening to work at BYU Broadcasting will open up.)
-His classes are extremely fun and interesting - the only down side is they are projected-based classes which lead to a lot of time-consuming homework hours.

Blake is on the Folk Dance Team again this semester and is doing awesome! He will be having a performance this Saturday -March 10. He also attends the folk dance recreation nights they have once a month as well.

Last semester an exhibit went up in the church museum. - its a children exhibit embracing the Latin culture. There is a screen on the wall - where different actors tell a story of people who are great examples in the church. Blake is one of those actors in a screen. He plays the part of a teenage boy who runs track professionally and has enough courage to not do track on Sundays. Blake does it in English and Spanish.

Blake has been great about helping through this pregnancy. He is very involved and very excited to be a father. He attends all the doctors appointments, he attends the birthing class and it my "coach." In the middle of the night i will often get charlie horses and he quickly wakes up to put pressure on my foot for it to go away. He helps adjust my pillows, helps me relax, listens to my complains and tries to help fix them, gets me water, reminds me what i should be doing to better prepare for the baby, gets my vitamins out for me, gets me a water bottle for the day, and rubs my back. He enjoys feeling the baby kick. We have been reading parenting and pregnancy books together too. Blake and I have really grown close as we have shared the joys, fears, struggles and excitements of this pregnancy. I am very lucky to have him and he is going to be an awesome dad!

This semester has been a really busy one for Blake - especially with homework time being so demanding but Blake makes time family and fun too! We are lucky to live really close to Wade and Kristi and get to see them often. Recently Blake's oldest sister Nikki moved to bountiful - We joined them and helped with the move. Blake was a huge help. We are very excited for them and enjoyed their new built in hot chocolate machine. We also had a slumber party at my brother Paul and Kari's house. There we ate dinner, talked and had a movie night watching super 8. We have made some trips down to midway as well - this last time it snowed about a foot! this was huge because this year it hasn't really been snowing. Blake loved it as he was really missing winter. some other fun things we have done this semester is we have had 3 different Pie nights -one of them we made a apple pie together!we have gone on dates - including our new favorite place 5 guys! we have had game nights. For Christmas Blake got the Wii and Blake has been having a lot of fun playing the new Zelda game. He has now beat the game and is helping me work through it. We also have gone rock climbing twice in January this year because the weather allowed :) 

(Here is Blake racing his brothers Wade and Scott at a family reunion this last summer)

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