Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Valentines Day!

This year for Valentines day:
-It was Elli's 1st valentines day!

  • Elli received a rose from her daddy Blake
  • She also got a free balloon from the grocery store (which kept her very entertained)

-Blake and I went to a big band dance put on by the stake. We had alot of fun as we danced the night away with Swing, waltz and fox trot dancing! We had food constantly offered to us by the priests! and a show put on by the BYU ballroom team! It was really nice to have this time with Blake and to just dance the night away!

-We had heart shaped waffles in the morning

- We did out annual Valentine Hoover Temple trip! Almost all the Hoovers were in town! We usually do sealings but this time we did an Endowment session because Blakes sister Kayla was going through the temple for the first time as she is preparing to go on a mission to Texas this June. There was a whole crew of babysitters for all the kids. Dominic was Elli's Babysitter. We brought Elli wearing a T-shirt that said "Big Sister" on it but no one caught on. At the temple we let everyone know our big news that we were expecting a new baby. Afterwards we all visited at Nicki's House where we ate pizza and valentine desserts.

- Blake surprised me with Beautiful Roses!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Working out

This semester has finally started out right when it comes to staying fit and it feels so GOOD!

I can go through phases when it comes to working out more or less. In the last 2 years I have had a major block when it comes to working out....I've worked out but nothing stuck and I just wasn't motivated.

This semester I finally got that boost I've been waiting for! (or I was finally ready)

#1- for one I started the "Awesomest Challenge" with some of the family. This has been nice because I don't feel like it is extreme but instead is just some healthy habits I probably should be striving for anyway. the healthy habits include....
- Contacting someone else daily in the contest
- Drinking 64 oz of water
- Stop eating by 9 pm
- Eat 3 servings of veggies
- Eat 2 servings of fruits
- Exercise 5 days a week (30-45 min daily)
- don't eat sweets 6 days a week
- record what you eat in a food journal

We see how we are doing in a point system and then post each week. Its a good reminder to be healthy and really helps that Blake is doing it with me, as well as alot of my family. It is a 8 week contest but I think I will try to continue some of it after the contest.

#2- Free Yoga class

BYU offers a free yoga class twice a week. This has been great because it is Free, I can take Elli, it gets me moving and out of the house! Elli does awesome and just hangs out on her own mat next to me.

#3- BYU Aerobic Classes

I bought a pass for the  BYU aerobic passes and I love it! Lots of classes offered including Zumba, Pilates, Spinning, etc. I really enjoy doing aerobics and that its planned...all i have to do is go. Some of these classes I take Elli and others I go alone. It can be a nice "Heidi Time" for me to get the break I need.

#4 Other....

I have also been doing Wii dance games when I can't leave the house. Those are fun in themselves and help me get my weekly exercise. Now that I have been exercising more it helps me feel better and as the sun is starting to show up in Provo I have even gone on some runs with Elli.

Over all I have been Feeling really good as I have been getting back fit and I love the energy it gives me and feeling so accomplished doing it. 

Friday, February 15, 2013

Elli is 10 months old!

Elli is 10 months old today!

 I can't believe it! Time flys! Here are some things that Elli is up to:

-Elli is such a happy and content baby! Everyone she meets always compliments on how happy she is
-Elli loves people.... she loves getting their attention and smiling at them, being played with or just being around them. When there is people around -its like a party for Elli and she will even try to skip naps to stay up and have fun.
-Elli loves food!... espeacially food that Blake or I am eating! Ever since we started to give her food that is more normal or what we are eating...Elli is such a LOUD eater! she grunts and groans and babbles until she gets her next bite! she can also chew really well
-Elli can now drink from her own sippy cup
-Elli is working on using a spoon on her own
-Elli loves to clap, can pick up with her pincher fingers, can wave, can high five and point
-Elli loves her mom and dad alot... and in their own ways. when Dad comes home...she is ecstatic and can hardly contain herself. she thinks dad is so funny! and she is always reaching for her mom!
-Elli can stand holding on to things. With out holding anything - has lasted a few seconds
-Elli can scoot backwards and all around
-Elli can walk backwards in her walker
-Elli loves to be played with
-When its time for diaper change Elli loves to roll to her stomach
-Elli can sleep through the night
-Elli is very good at her naps
-Elli loves Books
-Elli loves toys
-Elli loves the grocery store and going out
-Right now Elli goes to my yoga and pilates classes and she really enjoys getting all the girls attention
-Elli can say mom, mama and babbles alot
-Elli is ticklish and laughs alot
-Elli has her first tooth coming out

We just love Elli and her personality! she is always making us smile and laugh!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

New Calling

We received a new calling in the ward: We are now primary teachers and teach the valiant 10 class. Its sure fun to have a calling to share with Blake. In our last ward we were primary teachers together as well but we have now moved up from junior primary to senior primary. We have about 8 students in the class. The girls are the loud ones and the boys are more reserved. Our sharing/singing time is awesome and crazy our leaders are very animated and just as crazy as the kids but its fun. Elli gets to join us and the students love having her in our class!

A Day in Elli's Life...

Elli's schedule at 9 months! (this is mostly for my own record but you can enjoy too)
Elli does awesome with this schedule- it came from me watching what she naturallyd did and noticing it was around the same time. I think its great for her to have a schedule because it allows predictability and control in her life.

7 am -     wake up!
7- 8:30 am -
               nursed by mom
               diaper change
               Eat breakfast (real food)
8:30 am - swaddled/ binky
                read child's book
                read ch. from Book of Mormon
9 am -      Nap  #1
10ish am - Wake up
                 nursed by mom
                 eat brunch (real food)
12:30 pm - swaddled/ binky
                read child's book
                read ch. from Book of Mormon
1 pm -        Nap #2
2ish pm -  Wake up
                 nursed by mom
                 eat lunch (real food)
5 pm -      Dinner time (real food)
6/ 6:30 pm - start getting ready for bed:
                  bath (if needed)
                  diaper change
                  clean pajamas
                  read child's book
                  family scripture study (currently new testament) / nursed
6:30/ 7 pm - Bed time

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Sleeping through the Night

Sleeping though the night has not been easy for Elli.

Elli sleeping (9 months)
Before this last week Elli has slept 8 hours two nights in the last 9 months... once around 2 months and once at 7 months.
She seemed to always wake up because she wanted to nurse but it didn't seem to bad because as soon as she was done she was ready for bed again.
This last month or two has been really hard as Elli has been waking up 5-8 times a night. Sometimes that meant every hour I was getting up and nursing Elli. It also meant that Elli, Blake and I were not getting much sleep.

After a while we decided we needed to do something to help Elli but we didn't know exactly what that was. I or Blake would still get up every time she would call but not always feed her, but instead rock her to sleep as we realized she didn't need to eat though the night anymore. We would also try letting her cry but that didn't last long as its so Hard to hear her cry.

We finally made a concrete plan to try and help Elli sleep as this was just too much. Our plan was to let Elli cry it out and learn to put her self back to sleep. I had never felt right about letting her cry until now. The Lord answered our prayers and let us know that this was going to be ok with the reassurance of a good feeling.

The night of action came and Blake gave Elli a beautiful fathers blessing to help her sleep and know that we love her. We decided to sleep in the living room as our bedroom is extremely close to where Elli sleeps and its hard to hear her cry. That night Elli NEVER woke up... she slept for 11 hours! The next 2 nights or so Elli did wake a little and cry but we got through it. Now for the last week or so Elli has been sleeping through the night every night. It really seems to have sticked. It is so nice and definitely helps Blake and I be better parents with more sleep.

We are so proud of Elli! and know that the Lord has blessed Elli to help her sleep through the night

Here are some fun sleeping pictures of Elli.....

Elli and mom sleeping the same (8 days old)
Elli sleeping like mom (8 days old)
Elli posing while sleeping (4 weeks old)
Elli sleeping with dad (1.5 months)
Blake and Elli napping. (2 months)
Elli sleeping with hand straight up in the air (2.5 months)