Friday, February 15, 2013

Elli is 10 months old!

Elli is 10 months old today!

 I can't believe it! Time flys! Here are some things that Elli is up to:

-Elli is such a happy and content baby! Everyone she meets always compliments on how happy she is
-Elli loves people.... she loves getting their attention and smiling at them, being played with or just being around them. When there is people around -its like a party for Elli and she will even try to skip naps to stay up and have fun.
-Elli loves food!... espeacially food that Blake or I am eating! Ever since we started to give her food that is more normal or what we are eating...Elli is such a LOUD eater! she grunts and groans and babbles until she gets her next bite! she can also chew really well
-Elli can now drink from her own sippy cup
-Elli is working on using a spoon on her own
-Elli loves to clap, can pick up with her pincher fingers, can wave, can high five and point
-Elli loves her mom and dad alot... and in their own ways. when Dad comes home...she is ecstatic and can hardly contain herself. she thinks dad is so funny! and she is always reaching for her mom!
-Elli can stand holding on to things. With out holding anything - has lasted a few seconds
-Elli can scoot backwards and all around
-Elli can walk backwards in her walker
-Elli loves to be played with
-When its time for diaper change Elli loves to roll to her stomach
-Elli can sleep through the night
-Elli is very good at her naps
-Elli loves Books
-Elli loves toys
-Elli loves the grocery store and going out
-Right now Elli goes to my yoga and pilates classes and she really enjoys getting all the girls attention
-Elli can say mom, mama and babbles alot
-Elli is ticklish and laughs alot
-Elli has her first tooth coming out

We just love Elli and her personality! she is always making us smile and laugh!

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