Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Kid Update!

Elli (3.5 yrs)
Elli is really into being silly and she thinks that her silly-self is so hilarious. just like in the movie inside-out, she also has a silly island core. She does this by talking gibberish and just being silly. She is also into being big. She can't wait to be as big as dad one day, as well as getting big teeth, driving, etc. She wakes up every morning and points out how much she has grown! she is also very proud of doing things by herself and surprising us, especially getting dressed by her self. She really is good at it -she even comes out with shoes on and knows how to button now. She is very good at puzzles and loves friends especially cousin Indie, neighbor Adelaide and brother Canyon & sister Ava. She also has a potty humor which we are trying to encourage her to move past. She is very good at understanding things after we teach her - she catches on to the rules, how to get rewards, how to play games etc. She also likes to line up toys/books etc and make them like organized/ pretty. She is also into shopping clothes for herself  - we don't do this much but if i ever give her the chance she loves it. She loves riding her balance bike and is really fast and good at it!

 this video has Elli's sillyness written all over it:

Canyon (2 yrs)
Canyons big thing is pretend play! He is all about this - including pretending to be tigers, running away from big storms, being swiper (from Dora), etc He Loves it! He is also starting to want to be more independent - he is starting to play with the idea of dressing himself, is climbing high and doing more daring things on the playground, riding the balance bike and tricycles and getting good at them. In church we are always getting compliments on how he is the most behaved primary child and is the youngest. Canyon can get really loud if he wants too. At dinner tonight we was laughing and laughing a big crazy laugh to be funny. He is the one who brings conversation to the kitchen table and and asks: " What did you do today Dad?". We hear again and again how great Canyon talks and we have been hearing this for a year now so we believe it! He really can say anything he wants and speaks very clearly and correct, He is very good about saying - "Mom did you make this dinner? -Thank you!"Whenever we have guest over - canyon is showing off his skills on the slide or the rocking horse.

Ava (6m)
Ava is 6 months old! She is always happy! even when she is sad- she tries so had to be happy! She loves sticking her tongue out! Thinks Elli and Canyon are the funniest people in the world! sits well, grabs and plays with whatever she can get her hands on, and is a good eater! She goes to sleep so easy and happy and wakes happy too! Still wakes up twice in the night. She has tried rice cereal and squash and peas so far and does great! She soaks up any interaction she gets with others and wins you over with her smiles and coos. We love having her in our family! She definitely has my heart. 

Ava and cousin Adelaide

Ava laughing while watching her siblings:


This Halloween was more of a week of Halloween than a day! We had party after party! and with that allowed for some changing up in costume - CAnyon was a shark and a ninja turtle, Elli was Anna, minnie mouse and sleeping beauty. Ava was a sun flower and a ballerina. Blake was a gardener with Ava and I was a witch and made my hat out of a pizza box. We went to dress up library time, farmers market trick or treat, riverwoods mall halloween festival, byu family spooktaular, the ward party, a neighbor halloween party, halloween in the byu labs, and the hoover pumpkin carving party and then ended halloween with traditional trick or treaking! I tried out a new decoration trick of mini clementine jackolanturns and they were great because they were cute, easy, healthy and edible. At BYU labs they had a haunted house that they made that they made that was awesome with a lowering ceiling and everything - Elli loved it and did it 4 times.

Elli and her best friend Adelaide were both Anna

Library story time

byu Spooktacular

Cutest shark

beautiful ballerina

byu halloween labs

ninja turtle


sun flower


Elli's cousin Ashton was Elsa!

cousin party - watching the pumpkin set up

cousin Jersey and Ava playing

Carving pumpkins

Sunday, April 19, 2015

60 Day Scripture Study Challenge

60 Day Scripture Study Challenge

April 20th - June 18th 

The Goal:
- Daily 30 min Personal Scripture Study
- Daily Companionship Scripture Learning Discussion
- Daily Family Study/Discussion

- Go to bed by 10 pm to arise by 7 am

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

March Activities!

My parents bought Grandpa and Grandma Dickinson's house on the Lake! I am very excited that it is a house i know and to be able to go boating all the time. I am also excited to see how the house will look like in the end after they make it their own. I am sad to see my house go though. It is officially up for sale and next month might be the last time I get to go to my house! that is really weird and sad. but as long as we are together as a family its ok. its just hard to wrap my head around that this is really going to happen. I never ever ever thought my parents would move.

Elli is basically potty trained!!! Elli and I have tried with potty training off and on and it was a frustrating thing and not quite working. She would want to go on the potty after she went in her diaper - setting herself up for unsuccessful trips. But good she was aware her body did something.

then one day I bought a little toliet (in adddition to the potty seat that we already had) and she just got it! although she perfers the potty seat as she feels like a bigger girl on it. I think it really has nothing to do with me but the fact that she wanted to do it and that she got a successful trip. We then have had a couple weeks of all successes and only 2-3 accidents. She was amazing. We trained for only certain hours in the day - putting a diaper on at dinner time so we could both take a break from training. and it was really nice. during this time Elli had basically mastered potty training but had no sucesses when it came to pooping. but this last week Elli figured it out and hasn't had an poop accident since and runs to the potty each time.

At this point I'd say Elli is potty trained except that she doesn't always think to go and needs reminders to stop what she is doing and go. So as long as I am reminding her every 1.5 we are accident free but if I leave, she doesn't always go running to the bathroom but she is getting better every day at remembering to go and not hold it. It's been so nice to have her trained as we dont use diapers for her and she feels big and proud. Canyon has had some sucessful trips too but that is just on his own and I am debating on embracing his excitement or not because he is still young.

St. Patrick Day:

We had a fun neighborhood st. Patrick day activity. The activity involved story time, making hats, having a parade and singing songs.

 Its so fun to have the friendships that have developed her at wymount in our neighborhood. I have great friends and so does Elli and Canyon. I am sad that alot of them are moving in the next few months. it won't be the same. At least I have got back in the habit of making friends again.

Some fun things we have done are - reading group, yoga group, running a 1/2 marathon (at 13 weeks pregnant) & training together, playing together outside everyday, tea party, walks, birthday parties, going to storytime together at the bean museum and library, etc.

We have been also looking at different job opportunities for next school year. So we have had some interviews, have another one tomorrow and waiting on some other applications. It will be interesting to see what work Blake and I choose for the next year.

Blake has been working hard on his thesis for graduate school this month too. Writing about the what, how and why of his project. I think he will enjoy starting the actual research instead of just writing about it.

Elli and Canyon have become HUGE BYU FANS!! its so fun - they know all the chants and love cosmo. We go to alot of BYU games and its been a fun outting to watch the games, and watch dad at work as he is filming them. here is us at a baseball game!

Grandma Dickinson sent the kids a package and they were so excited about the new hats they got!

Its so fun to see Elli and Canyon grow up! They have such fun personalities! They also are playing alot more together! It's my favorite thing to watch them naturally play together. They do have some sibling fights though...dinner time: "Me: does anyone want milk? Elli: I want milk, Canyon: no I want milk, Elli No I want it!, CAnyon: No I do!....Me: you both get milk!!!!" It so fun that they are close in age because they have so much in common and enjoy alot of the same things.

Elli = Full of life, loves friends, potty trained, confident, puts herself out there, become a leader to the smaller kids- telling them how to do things and encouraging them to follow her. good eater. Lots of energy. Elli is really good about going to sleep in her bed on her own - after our routine. I am amazed at the things she does every day and how smart she is. I really hope I can keep up with her. She is also getting really good at her push bike! and has a great imagination. She has also started to be really interested in looking/ "reading" books by her self and with me.

Canyon= big boy in a little body. He is so ahead of the kids his age. They are all playing by them selves saying a word or two. He is playing with the big kids doing what they are doing, speaking sentances. I get a complement on his talking everyday! He under stands everything I tell him. Can count to 12. knows his colors. I think he thinks he is Elli's age and pulls it off pretty well. I just get nervous when he is half the size of those who he is playing with and don't want him ran over. He also started nursery in janurary and never has had a problem and loves it. He is a mommies boy but also a daddies boy in other ways. It fun to have the bonds he creates. Canyon is a night owl...He is refusing to sleep at all cost and will often want to stay up as late as us or later.

another adventure we took on is limited nap time. This means both my kids stopped wanting/ needing naps. They only take 1-2 naps a week and when they do- I need to wake them up at an hour or else they can't fall asleep that night. Even with a short nap it can be hard for them to fall asleep because they have so much energy. before this was a big struggle of fighting them to go to bed both at nap time and then bed time but we are all happier now that we are not having this struggle.

We are usually doing these activities each week:
we go to the library, baking, walks, play outside with the neighbors, bean musuem -story time get to touch live animals, and byu sports games.

Its been fun to live so close to the temple that we can walk there. The kids love love lvoe to touch the temple!

I am in my third trimester. Here are some pics of me at 10, 20 and 30 weeks. I am currently 31 weeks. I am doing pretty good. I get some bad pains in my body though - which i think is from not taking it as easy as I am watching Elli and canyon too. But i have been working on some things i can do to take it easier and the pains are lessing in some ways. But of course increasing in other ways as i get bigger. But other then that I am trying not to get too baby hungry yet so that the wait is not so long and painful. I am also starting a workout /be healthy goal with my sister-in law Heather for the last part of my pregnancy and so hopefully that will help me feel good  and be distracted too. Lately I enjoy swimming but getting up early is hard so it doesn't always happen.

We got help though byu and found out that though taxes we will be getting alot finacial help this year which we are so excited about. Such a blessing. Too bad we didn't know this the last couple of years but we are learning. It is amazing all the help we have recieved in our marriage the lord is certainly looking after us as we begin our family.