Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Kid Update!

Elli (3.5 yrs)
Elli is really into being silly and she thinks that her silly-self is so hilarious. just like in the movie inside-out, she also has a silly island core. She does this by talking gibberish and just being silly. She is also into being big. She can't wait to be as big as dad one day, as well as getting big teeth, driving, etc. She wakes up every morning and points out how much she has grown! she is also very proud of doing things by herself and surprising us, especially getting dressed by her self. She really is good at it -she even comes out with shoes on and knows how to button now. She is very good at puzzles and loves friends especially cousin Indie, neighbor Adelaide and brother Canyon & sister Ava. She also has a potty humor which we are trying to encourage her to move past. She is very good at understanding things after we teach her - she catches on to the rules, how to get rewards, how to play games etc. She also likes to line up toys/books etc and make them like organized/ pretty. She is also into shopping clothes for herself  - we don't do this much but if i ever give her the chance she loves it. She loves riding her balance bike and is really fast and good at it!

 this video has Elli's sillyness written all over it:

Canyon (2 yrs)
Canyons big thing is pretend play! He is all about this - including pretending to be tigers, running away from big storms, being swiper (from Dora), etc He Loves it! He is also starting to want to be more independent - he is starting to play with the idea of dressing himself, is climbing high and doing more daring things on the playground, riding the balance bike and tricycles and getting good at them. In church we are always getting compliments on how he is the most behaved primary child and is the youngest. Canyon can get really loud if he wants too. At dinner tonight we was laughing and laughing a big crazy laugh to be funny. He is the one who brings conversation to the kitchen table and and asks: " What did you do today Dad?". We hear again and again how great Canyon talks and we have been hearing this for a year now so we believe it! He really can say anything he wants and speaks very clearly and correct, He is very good about saying - "Mom did you make this dinner? -Thank you!"Whenever we have guest over - canyon is showing off his skills on the slide or the rocking horse.

Ava (6m)
Ava is 6 months old! She is always happy! even when she is sad- she tries so had to be happy! She loves sticking her tongue out! Thinks Elli and Canyon are the funniest people in the world! sits well, grabs and plays with whatever she can get her hands on, and is a good eater! She goes to sleep so easy and happy and wakes happy too! Still wakes up twice in the night. She has tried rice cereal and squash and peas so far and does great! She soaks up any interaction she gets with others and wins you over with her smiles and coos. We love having her in our family! She definitely has my heart. 

Ava and cousin Adelaide

Ava laughing while watching her siblings:

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