Tuesday, June 11, 2013

A run to the emergency room...

This last wednesday night we were eating dinner and I (Heidi) started to not be able to see very clearly. It was like there was a "after-flash" mark there on the right side of  my vision. It didn't matter which eye I looked through or if my eyes were open or closed. after about 20 minutes of this I saw that it wasn't going away and laid down.
It eventually went away and soon after I started to feel pretty sick. Next my right hand and arm went numb for 10 min. Then my head started hurting. next it was my toungue that went numb, and then my gums/ teeth, and then chin, and then lower cheeks, annd then neck. I just felt so off and sick. I started to burn up and the head ache continued. At this point Blake come back inside from doing yard work and saw my condition. He called the doctors and they said go to the ER. So we did. There my headache got alot worse and some of the numbness was coming and going. I had a small dose of morphine and zophram for the pain. This made me feel even worse! but after an hour the headache started to get better. I had a MRI on my brain to make sure everything was ok. Everything was ok. The doctor then concluded that it was a migraine. After being at the hospital for 5 hours we finally went home that night at midnight.

The next day I would get head aches here and there and just feel sick. It has gotten alot better since and I am just trying to take it easy.

(I had something like this happen to me about 2-3 years ago.) Turns out I am ok but it was sure an adventure.

1 comment:

  1. Yikes! Scary! I'm glad you are ok! I get something similar every so often.(and especially during pregnancy) the blindness in one eye part and the migraine afterwards with nausea. But I never got the numbness in tounge, arm, face...that sounds really crazy! Glad everything is ok!
