Thursday, June 20, 2013

Sister Week in Texas! June 2013

The Dickinson sisters reunited in Texas! We all went to Tammy's house.  Sherry came in from Waco (about an hour away.) Heidi flew in from Utah and Lucy came in Oregon. It was so awesome to be together again and just enjoy eachothers company! We have a strong sisterhood and it was just so much fun to have a week together!

Monday:  Lunch at Mighty Fine Burgers, Outlet mall, Grocery shopping, Pizza for dinner, played games, had family home evening, watched a movie

Tuesday: Austin Zoo, got sun-burned, ate Bluebell Ice cream, played games

Wednesday: All-abilities Park, Kareoke/dance party, played at the neighborhood park, went on a walk, silly make-overs, played games

Thursday: Clothes shopping, Rudy's BBQ, Kiddy Amusement park, Mcdonalds Ice cream and playground, backyard photos, played more games including Bunko

Friday: played in the backyard, celebrated nephew Daniel's 1st birthday, Ladies night out, shopping at the mall, Chipoltle, more picture taking (by TExas flowers: blue bonnets), card games, movie night "Hairspray"

Saturday: Played Cards, Celebrated Daniel's b-day again, celebrated Ellie's b-day, Kite flying/bike riding at the park, Subway for lunch, Easter Egg hunt, 7-11 Slurpees, I flew home

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