Friday, June 28, 2013

The labor so far...

a week ago-Friday night I started feeling alot of pressure in my pelvis. It kinda freaked me out. why was this there? Then about midnight I started having contractions. Pretty mild but they kept consistantly coming. after a half an hour of this we called Blakes mom to come down and be with Elli just in case. after an hour of the contractions not stopping and getting a little more intense we decided to go into the hospital. It was about 3 am (now saturday 6/22). In the hospital I was dilated to 2.5 (which is what I was told I was the day before from my doctor). There the contractions started to get more and more intense. The baby went from floating to engaged and I started to dilate up to a 4 within a couple hours. The contractions were about avg of 3 min apart and hard enough that I had to breath through them. I would have intense contractions and then they would end and my stomach would still be just as hard just not as intense inbetween- we could see on the screen that these were mini contractions inbetween. They admitted me into the hospital and gave me some medicine incase I had group B strep ( the results had not come back yet from my previous doctors appt). Then the contractions started to get less and less. It got to the point where I wasn't progressing and they sent us on an hour walk. after the walk I hadn't moved forward so they sent us home at about 10am. This was really discouraging because we had got our hopes up and thought the baby was really coming and it didn't. It was also really nice to get out of the hospital and in our own bed, eat,  and to be able to go where we wanted.

The contractions continued through out the next day (sunday) pretty mild in the morning and then in the afternoon started to get more intense. We then went on walks and they were getting more and more intense. then they started to lessen in intensity as the night drew near. In the middle of the night I woke up from the contractions and felt like I could push, not that it was time to push but I had more power to do it. We decided to go back into the hospital again (2am?) and in the hospital I was still a 4 and my contractions were about every 5 min but they were not that intense. We then went home after an hour.

The next day (monday) I had a few contractions but all mild and my labor has seemed to disappear or at least gone down to the point that I barely notice it and can do my everyday things.  We finally got to see Elli again which we missed so much. this was the longest I've ever been away from her.

Tuesday was the same - few very mild contractions throughout the day.

Wednesday - I had a few contractions in the morning and then that night around 7pm I started to have that same pelvic pain I had fri night. Is it time? after a hour or two The contractions came on very regularly and alot more intense. These intense but not painful contractions continued all through the night making it hard to get through the night.

Thurday- these somewhat intense contractions have not stopped but continued all day but didn't change in intensity. This day I was really feeling the soreness through out my body for being in labor this long. espeacially in my stomach, pelvis and back. I am starting to get pretty exhausted from the sleepless nights I've had and this pre-labor. I also found out the results to the group b strep test - I dont have it... so next time I don't have to take the medicine! whoohoo!

Friday (today) - The contractions are still going but have not changed in intensity. They consistantly keep coming though.

I would of been 3.5 weeks early if it was born that first morning so it is good that the baby is still inside. This way it can have a better chance of being healthier but its still crazy to not know when the baby will actually come. I think it will come quite quickly when it finally decides to because I am already partly done and because I had a fairly fast labor with Elli.

I don't know if this baby will come this week or in 3 weeks but I am ready and excited when its time.

1 comment:

  1. We would LOVE to watch Elli if needed so put us on the Grandma backup! Get rest while you can! Good Luck! LOVE YA! Nicki
