Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Elli's sayings

Elli's vocabulary is going way up! she has words she says and definitly knows what they mean. she also is trying to say new words alot.

She can say:

-Bye - (usually while waving) (she also says this with a southern accent)
-Hi -(she loves to say this back and forth, as well as to any stranger she sees)
-Daw (dog)  - She is very fascienated with dogs and yells this out any time she sees one
-mmmwah - she says this for kisses
-P' boo (peek a boo) - she loves this game, covers her own eyes, sometimes not her eyes but just puts hands on head (so she can see)
-woof woof - she barks like a dog
-done (all done) - she says this after eating, while signing it
-wa go (where did it go) - she plays this game alot too. hides things and makes a surprised face with her    hands up in the air.
-? la (kayla) - she was getting really close in getting her aunt Kaylas name, but I don't know if this will go forward soon as kayla just left on her mission.

-I think "thank you" is there /she is really close in saying - it just doesn't quite sound like it yet

She also signs:

more (this is brand new)
all done

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